Friday 21 December 2018


This is my DnD character from a campaign with friends. I tried playing with lighting and practiced conforming to my own art style, which I'm going to refine to keep it consistent!

Thursday 20 December 2018


I was sitting on this one for a  week or so as I was in Copenhagen last week

Sunday 2 December 2018


Some practice on blending colours and experimenting with proportions and such

Sunday 11 November 2018


The body still feels a bit flat, but it's something I can work on improving next!

Friday 19 October 2018


I am very tired from the past few days with lack of sleep; yesterday I accidently started on todays, but was unable to finish due to needing rest for a motorcycle test I passed today. I've been quite busy and therefore tired this week with my current work, transitioning to work in an Arts and Craft store, and the stress of my motorcycle test. Despite this, I'm hoping to pick back up tomorrow once well rested!

Wednesday 17 October 2018


-with more time I'd add more detail to lighting and work on making the model seem more realistic

Tuesday 16 October 2018


Intersting porygon polygon character study; I found this very insightful into perspective drawing and 3d space.

Sunday 14 October 2018


I'm trying to get better at painting faster as some days I don't have as much time to complete the inktober tasks; tried playing with the lens flare filter.

Saturday 13 October 2018


I wish I had more time to research and complete this, but I got home late from work, so I'm uploading what I have - not really happy with this but, ho-hum!

Thursday 11 October 2018


Trying to crawl my way back into inktober and catch up!

Wednesday 3 October 2018


I spent a fairly large amount of my time today researching horses and how their muscles are structured. I found the form of horses bodies interesting to learn about, but I didn't particularly like the result of my experiment with inorganic shapes making up the blue flame. I feel like with more time I would experiment with a more illustrative drawing style, because the silhouette of the horse could work effectively with better construction of the flame.

photography edit

original file
edited file
As a request from a friend, I quickly edited this picture in Photoshop. They asked me to decrease the file size, and generally clean up the image for personal use in a forum they frequently post in. It didn't take long, but I thought I'd upload it onto my blog, as it varied from my regular uploads.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

inktober 2

The prompt for this was "tranquil". I had to stay late at work, so I didn't have much time to get develop an idea when I returned home, but it's 1am and this is what I've got. Tomorrow I have a free day so I will spend more time developing an idea for the promt "roasted"; I'm looking forward to it!

Monday 1 October 2018

inktober 1

First of hopefully 31 inktober entrees. I need to get better at working faster as I had to rush this towards the end and didn’t get to put into practice some relevant theory.

Brace yourself for some real crappy drawings, gonna churn em and post em even if they make me puke.

Wednesday 26 September 2018


I posed pikachu at an awkward angle and attempted to capture the 3d space as best as I could, with the cost of a little less attention to colour. I might start looking towards establishing a background and setting for painted characters, as this is something I am lacking and might contribute to believability. Overall I'm not too happy with this test piece, but I guess it contributes my personal development.

Monday 24 September 2018


Rough lil' Pikachu paint sketch in PS, that I want to go over when I have some more spare time and fix him up. Playing with the colour scheme on him was a lot of fun!

pikachu tail colour studies

I found drawing Pikachu's tail in perspective quite tricky, so I thought I'd challenge ymself with some difficult angles. I also quite like the hard light highlights in the original paint, and found the secondary sketches and paint fill lacking character with desaturated colours.

Saturday 22 September 2018


These are a few poses I was playing with mainly from sprites with Psyduck; I want to push myself to share my work more frequently even if it's working progress, as this is a blog.

Thursday 20 September 2018


I sketched a fair few meowths in different poses, and quite liked this one, so I added some colour from the Pokémon Red colour pallette. I started with hard light as a preset by accident, but decided I'd see how it would work out.


I experimented with some colours and changing the pose from my reference. I also limited the amount of time I spent "perfecting" the lines.

Sunday 16 September 2018

poliwraths and presents

I spent most of my free day today redownloading software so I can use my new PC, which has now arrived! I spent the rest of my time researching the form of ribbons and playing with lighting and tone via Photoshop painting.

Friday 31 August 2018

planes of the face

Using tracer as a character model, I studied planes of the face to push the depth of field when painting tones. This is something I need to keep practicing especially when rendering lips.

Thursday 30 August 2018


I spent a good couple of weeks developing this, as I've found it to be a learning experiment of many features that I hope to incorporate into other pieces, such as: push and pull technique of painting hair, lighting, explosions, secondary lighting, textured block colour, subsurface scattering, to name a few. I do feel my drawings are still lacking the illusion of depth, therefore I need to work on the fundamentals of drawing in perspective and with 3D shapes.


experiment with weapons concept

I feel I need to push the contrast in tones more to allow the weapons style to be more dynamic; this is something I am working on improving.

baroque artistocracy challenge

I've been following CDC on facebook, and I tried experimenting with this months challenge of baroque aristocracy. I found the frills in perspective to be both the key element and the biggest challenge. I found that I had been overworking the character too much and spent too long attempting to "perfect" the lines and colour. Due to personal reasons this month I haven't had much time to work on my computer, but I want to keep working on each CDC concepts to broaden my knowledge of variant designs.

hair studies

Similar to the weapons experiment, I am working on conveying tone in drawings more effectively.

Thursday 9 August 2018

SFX study

some SFX study


I've been working on building my action poses and compositions of scenes by studying character action poses, dynamic scenes and painting with values in Photoshop.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

character sketches

I've been working on finding qualities of character drawings I like, and use them to push my own style of drawing to become more consistent.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

poliwhirl test

I need more practice testing colours and ordering my painting process in Photoshop. I feel that my form is lacking too, which I need to put more thought into before jumping into painting.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

metal texture life reference

hair practice

This was very insightful into photoshop painting, but I need to spend more time practicing blending colours to achieve a better result.

Thursday 5 July 2018

colouring skin

Something I want to get better at, is photoshop painting textures. I will try to include colouring skin in my development to further this practice.


Quick lighting test in photoshop; next time i'll put more thought into the source of the lighting. I soon realised once I completed the addition of the sparks, the light source wouldn't be top down.