Monday 30 November 2020

fire 05 study


I've spent some time getting to grips with the node editor amongst other things in ToonBoom Premium - I do think I prefer this software, as it feels more versatile and I can adapt my animations to what suits them. This one took a little longer as there were 3 different layered aspects; I think I'm going to complete a few more smaller pieces that are less time consuming to understand fire's fluid motion better and get more practice in with the program.

Tuesday 3 November 2020



fire 04 study


My 21 days of Toon Boom Essentials is up, so I've started animating in my 21 days of TBAdvanced. I'm getting more comfortable with the effects available, as well as this, I'm 'fixing' my animation studies as I go along rather than relying heavily on the source material.

Monday 2 November 2020

fire 11 study


I feel that the fire should flicker and fade out smoother; something I will pay closer attention too in my next study.