Thursday 26 April 2018

tractor rotoscope

I spent this week rotoscoping a Maya export of the tractor. Despite it only being a second long, it took a very long time due to the wheels having a high tread count. This was particularly tedious to complete, but as the rest of the shots of the tractor are mid-long shots; the rotoscoping technique shouldn't take too long for the other shots.

Monday 23 April 2018


I inbetweened my previous keys and added a few additional details. The extra details proved a little challenging, as I tried to add some smear frames and an extra key action. I researched to find reference, but could only find some for dizzy stars above the mouses head. Overall, I feel I've spent too much time on this shot.

Friday 20 April 2018

pose practice

I was watching an animation video describing how flat poses can be banal and boring, so I tried striking this character in a deeper pose. I found it hard to adjust him into a more 3D pose, but for the most part I'm happy with the result.

grass tutorials

Followed some grass tutorials online to help us with colouring the wheat. It was somewhat useful, but interesting to explore nonetheless.

spice pepar

I helped my housemate with personal promotion, it turned out real creepy.

Thursday 12 April 2018


From my last shot I learnt to block the different motions, then go through the one at a time. I found this overall improved my production quality. I also worked at foreshortening the ears and learnt a lot about perspective of the mouse's components. Overall I found I improved a lot on this shot from the last.

Monday 9 April 2018

lightning sword FX

A student posted on our course Facebook group a guide to animating lightning. I decided to give it a try and added a glow effect. I'm quite happy with how it turned out, and would like more opportunities to try 2D effects.


I started these keys about 2 weeks ago and I've had a lot of trouble with them. I think it's because of the long duration of the shot that I've had such a problem with it. I tried my best, but will come back to it to edit the pacing and action poses later.

Friday 6 April 2018

photoshop painting play

Using internet sources online I experimented with some features in Photoshop. I researched about the uses of clipping layers and different modes and their uses. I also used prior knowledge on glow FX features to give a funky luminescence vibe to some aspects. I spent a lot of time just playing around with features but found this incredibly resourceful to use in future Photoshop painting.