Friday 11 March 2016

Update on weekly tasks

 These pages are from the tasks we were set weekly by Cathy on different subjects. From the top ascending they were: composition in backgrounds, redrawing of old drawings, nature drawing, tone included in backgrounds. Around these weekly tasks are also drawings from various exercises or work that I had been working on during that time. I found looking at the composition of backgrounds very insightful, as it's one of the things I most need to practice. The perspective of different objects included in this was particularly useful to look into further, as well as the characteristics of the objects.

From one of the weekly assignments of redrawing old drawings, I drew an extension of one of my sketches from last year using Photoshop. When using Photoshop I experimented with different brushes as learnt in previous lessons, however I want to learn more about blending colours to create a smoother looking gradient. I've asked an illustrator I know if I can observe them working in Photoshop and have set this up for a few weeks later to achieve a better understanding of her work and help me in the future when using Photoshop.

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